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                                     Photo: Wang Ping



“I never paint dreams or nightmares.

I paint my own reality.”

Frida Kahlo



Do not move
let birds stir in their nests:
Let pheasants—
fairies from this tattered earth
Carry the sun in our beaks


From the muck . . .
We raise our finger
Look at us, look
at us, look at us

Wang Ping ©2010



Simply Haiku is one of the English speaking world’s leading journals showcasing Japanese short form poetry.  We feature interviews, essays, and research papers by the leading authorities in the genres Japan gave the world centuries ago. We are not a forum for free verse poets calling their poems haiku and tanka.  One has to master a genre before attempting to redefine it according to their own illusions. We print simply haiku, simply tanka, simply haiga, simply haibun, simply renga, and don’t call renga, rengay or renku. We believe in kigo. We believe in haiku that is S/L/S. We believe in tanka that is S/L/S/L/L. We believe in the use of aesthetics including the unsaid. We believe haiga include an image and a haiku or tanka, each with can stand alone or together form its own symbiotic entity. This issue is dedicated to the poets who gave us the genres we showcase, genres we refuse to bastardize with what Japanese haiku master and critic, Kai Hasegawa calls, “junk poetry.”



Simply Haiku ©2010 All rights reserved.